Bold Tv



Welcome to Bold Blend! We are a smart, fun, next-gen TV news & culture show.


  • BBlend 5 - 26 - 17 AUDIO

    31/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    This week on Bold Business, we sit down with the founder of Silicon Harlem to discuss building technology and innovation hubs in urban communities. The Author of Broke Millennial joins our Bookstr segment to educate our young viewers about beginning your financial life. And an entrepreneur discusses his start-up Alpha Male Cosmetics, a new makeup line for men.

  • BoldTV

    12/05/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    #BoldTV is LIVE with Clay Aiken and Carrie Sheffield! We're discussing the Comey firing, legalized marijuana, and race in America under the Trump administration. Guests: Emily Anne Epstein (news editor at Bustle), Oz Sultan (data analyst; Muslim Trump surrogate), Stanley Fritz (Black Enterprise), John Burnett (political commentator), Sarah Hill (Bookstr), David Paul Kuhn (author of 'What Makes it Worthy').